Shell CMD

class gladier_tools.posix.shell_cmd.ShellCmdTool(alias: str = None, alias_class: ToolAlias = None)


Run a command in a shell with various options. Suitable for use as a funcx function. On anything other than exit success (returning 0), an exception will be raised, the stack trace will be propogated, and the flow will be halted. On exit success, the return code, stdout, and sterr are returned in a list in the format:

[0, “Standard Output Text”, “Standard Error Text”]

Note: stdout and sterr will always be None unless capture_output is set.

  • args – Arguments to the command. Can be either a list of strings containing command and parameters, or a single string with command and parameters together.

  • arg_sep_char – If the args val is a string, the character that separates the various arguments. By default, it is space.

  • capture_output – Whether output should be captured. If so, the return value will contain captured text. Beware of capturing too much text, especially in funcx and Globus Flows use cases where output size is limited.

  • cwd – [Optional] The directory to run the command from. When used in funcx,the run directory may be unpredictable based on how the funcx endpoint is started and configured.

  • env – [Optional] A dictionary of environment variables to set

  • timeout – How long the command should be allowed to run. Default is 60 seconds.

  • exception_on_error – If the command fails, should an exception be raised or should just the (presumably non-zero) return code be returned. Defaults to True.

  • input_path – A path to a file which should be used as the standard input to the command. When not provided, stdin does not exist so attempts to read from it will result in an error.

  • output_path – A path to a file which should be used to capture the output (stdout) of the command. This cannot be set if capture_output is set.

  • error_path – A path to a file which should be used to capture the error output (stderr) of the command. This cannot be set if capture_output is set.

  • **kwargs

  • nil


A tuple containing the return code of the command execution, the string of the standard out and standard error (if capture_output is True)