Gladier Base Client

class gladier.client.GladierBaseClient(auto_registration: bool = True, login_manager: BaseLoginManager | None = None, flows_manager: FlowsManager | None = None)

Bases: object

The Gladier Client ties together commonly used compute functions and basic flows with auto-registration tools to make complex tasks easy to automate.

This class is intended to be subclassed as follows:

class MyGladierClient(GladierBaseClient):
    gladier_tools = [MyTool]

And used like the following:

my_gc = MyGladierClient()
flow = my_gc.run_flow(flow_input={"flow_input": {"my_field": "foo"}})
run_id = flow["run_id"]

The following class variables can be set on clients to change their behavior when deploying and running flows.

  • glaider_tools (default: [])
    • A list of Gladier Tools to build a working flow_defitinion. Each tool’s minimum input must be satisfied prior to running the flow. Can be used with the @generate_flow_definition decorator to automatically chain together flow definitions present on each tool in linear order.

  • flow_definition (default: {})
    • An explicit flow definition to use for this client. Cannot be used with @generate_flow_definition. Changes are tracked on each run, and will result in a flow re-deploy on any change.

  • flow_schema (default: {})
    • A flow schema to accompany the flow definition. Schema is checked on each run and are re-deployed if it changes. Overrides any existing schema set on a given flow_manager instance unless unset.

  • subscription_id (default: None)
    • A subscription ID to associate with a flow. This typically is automatically determined and does not need to be supplied, but may be required if the user has more than one subscription

  • secret_config_filename (default: ~/.gladier-secrets.cfg)
    • Storage are for Globus Tokens and general storage

  • app_name (default: ‘Gladier Client’)
    • The app name used during a login flow

  • client_id
    • The Globus Client ID used for native logins

  • globus_group (default: None)
    • A Globus Group to be applied to all flow/run permissions. Group will automatically be added to flow_viewers, flow_starters, flow_administrators, run_managers, run_monitors

  • alias_class (default: gladier.utils.tool_alias.StateSuffixVariablePrefix)
    • The default class used to for applying aliases to Tools

The following Environment variables can be set and are recognized by Gladier Clients:

  • GLADIER_CLIENT_ID – Used only for setting confidential client credentials instead of user

    credentials. This is a convenience feature, as an alternative to using a custom login_manager

  • GLADIER_CLIENT_SECRET – Secret used for confidential clients, using with GLADIER_CLIENT_ID

Default options are intended for CLI usage and maximum user convenience.

  • auto_registration – Automatically register functions or flows if they are not previously registered or obsolete.

  • login_manager – Class defining login behavior. Defaults to AutoLoginManager, and will auto-login when additional scopes are needed.

  • flows_manager – A flows manager class with customized behavior. Attrs like group and login_manager will automatically be set if None


gladier.exc.AuthException – if authorizers given are insufficient


Call login() on the configured login manager. Attepmts to prepare the user to run flows, but may require being called twice if a flow is not yet deployed. Automatically called internally by run_flow() if required.


Call logout() on the login manager, to revoke saved tokens and deactivate the current flow. The flow_id and function ids/checksums are unaffected, and can be re-used after another invocation of login().

run_flow(flow_input=None, use_defaults=True, **flow_kwargs)

Start a Globus Automate flow. By default, the flow definiton is checked and synced if it has changed locally or deployed if it does not exist.

If a group is set, run permissions are updated and applied to the run (includes ‘run_managers’, ‘run_monitors’).

Any scope changes required post-deployment/update are propogated through the login_manager and may require an additional login. A new flow checksum/id may be tracked in storage if the flow changed or was newly deployed.

The run_flow method shadows the globus-automate-client method for running flows documented here: # noqa Additional arguments matching the method signature may be added. Common ones include the following:

  • label (Optional[str]) An optional label which can be used to identify this run

  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) Tags that will be associated with this Run.


myinput = {
    "input": {
        "args": "cat /proc/version",
        "capture_output": True,
        "compute_endpoint": "4b116d3c-1703-4f8f-9f6f-39921e5864df",
my_client.run_flow(myinput, label='Check Version', tags=['version', 'POSIX'])
  • flow_input – A dict of input to be passed to the automate flow. self.check_input() is called on each tool to ensure basic needs are met for each. Input MUST be wrapped inside an ‘input’ dict, for example {‘input’: {‘foo’: ‘bar’}}.

  • use_defaults – Use the result of self.get_input() to populate base input for the flow. All conflicting input provided by flow_input overrides values set in use_defaults.

  • **flow_kwargs – Set several keyed arguments that include the label to be used in the automate app. If no label is passed the standard automate label is used. Also ensure label <= 64 chars long.


gladier.exc.ConfigException by self.check_input()












Any globus_sdk.exc.BaseException

get_flow_id() str | None

Get the flow id from the Flows Manager.

get_input() dict

Get compute function ids, compute endpoints, and each tool’s default input. Default input may not be enough to run the flow. For example if a tool does processing on a local filesystem, the file will always need to be provided by the user when calling run_flow().

Defaults rely on GladierBaseTool.flow_input defined separately for each tool.


input for a flow wrapped in an ‘input’ dict. For example: {‘input’: {‘foo’: ‘bar’}}

get_status(action_id: str)

Get the current status of the automate flow. Attempts to do additional work on compute functions to deserialize any exception output.


action_id – The globus action UUID used for this flow. The Automate flow id is always the flow_id configured for this tool.


Globus Automate exceptions from self.flows_client.flow_action_status


a Globus Automate status object (with varying state structures)

progress(action_id, callback=None, delay=2)

Continuously call self.get_status() until the flow completes. Each status response is used as a parameter to the provided callback, by default will use the builtin callback to print the current state to stdout.

  • action_id – The action id for a running flow. The flow is automatically pulled based on the current tool’s flow_definition.

  • callback – The function to call with the result from self.get_status. Must take a single parameter: mycallback(self.get_status())